
The economy of the village, which is 32 km away from Tekirdağ central district Süleymanpaşa, is based on agriculture and animal husbandry. There is no primary school in the village. Children of school age are getting educated either in the surrounding villages or in the neighborhoods of the center. The village has drinking water network, but there is no sewerage system. There is no PTT agency and health center. The road of the village is asphalt and there is electricity and landline in the village. The population in 2019 is 77 people. Considering the number of population, the village has migrated out over the years. After Tekirdağ gained the metropolitan status on December 6, 2012, all villages turned into neighborhoods. In the last local elections, Kazım Sert was elected as the headman of the neighborhood.

Suleymanpasa Municipality
Ortacami Mah. Hükümet Cad. No:14
Süleymanpaşa / TEKİRDAĞ
0 (282) 259 59 59